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JOLIE GONZALEZ-PADILLA 2020 – Present Co-Founder and Publisher: In Truth News;; In Truth News LIVE; The Truth Conference and Conservative In America. In Truth News: Where the Truth Is In The News. About In Truth LIVE is the LIVE version of our Christian and Conservative website: IN Truth News was born of "More Truth Ministries; IN TRUTH News is about the freedom to know the Truth about everything that constitutes the freedoms and rights of We the People to understand what is happening around us in our Country and in this World. Not just a ministry, but more. 2001 – Present Award Winning Publisher and founder of Bilingual News: Latin Times Media, Inc. Latin Times Magazine,, e-Latino Weekly Newsletter and all associated social media platforms. Host of:
Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla was born and raised in Chicago, IL to parents Carmen Santiago and Orlando Rodriguez, of Puerto Rican descent.
In 2000, in search of new opportunities, Jolie relocated to Tampa Bay, and after taking a crash course in publishing, and “business 101” and while knowing only a handful of people in the Tampa and Orlando areas, she started her first publication; C.L.U.B. Magazine, (City of Latin Urban Beats!). The mini magazine was a digest size and targeted mainly Latin Entertainment. The magazine eventually began distribution to the Metro Orlando area. Today, her publication is called Latin Times Magazine, a full-size color, glossy (bi-lingual) publication that combines Business, Community, Culture and Entertainment, in an impressive presentation. In early 2004, Jolie Gonzalez created the “e-Latino Weekly” Previous Accomplishments, Awards and Recognitions: April 2006 Ms. Gonzalez was awarded the prestigious “Hispanic Businesswoman of the Year” award by the Puerto Rico Cultural Parade Organization of Tampa Bay. 2007, Latin Times Magazine was awarded the Idolo Award which was presented by Tampa Bay’s Historical Centro Asturiano, for best Spanish Owned Magazine in Tampa Bay. 2007 Tampa Bay Business Journal Minority Businessperson of the Year in Business Services In early 2008, Jolie Gonzalez was awarded the 2008 EXITO Award for Women Entrepreneurs by the Hispanic Business Initiative Fund of Tampa Bay. 2008 Tampa Bay Business Journal Media award: Businesswoman of the Year in Media 2010: Elected Chair of Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Tampa Bay In 2011 Jolie received the Builder of Community Award by Univision and FMCRC at the Let’s Do Business Florida Summit. In 2012, Mrs. Gonzalez-Padilla helped to organize a merger between the two leading local Hispanic/Latino chambers of commerce in Tampa Bay and was elected as President of the merged organization the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Tampa Bay. In 2012, Mr. and Mrs. Padilla produced the first Cuban Sandwich Festival in Ybor City, the event was an immediate success, and just celebrated its 12th Annual event -held even during Covid19. The event is currently hosted in Central Florida, SW Florida as well as Jacksonville area -with the main event held in Ybor City. People from all over the world attend the Ybor City festival. 2013 Winner NFL & U.S. Hispanic Heritage Foundation Hispanic Leadership Award Presented on National television during Hispanic Heritage Tampa Bay Buccaneers Game 2013 NFL Hispanic Heritage Honorary Captain Flipped the Game Coin to start the game! In 2019, the couple “re-started” the Taste of Latino Festival, held during Hispanic Heritage month, the Taste of Latino is currently held in Central Florida, SW Florida, Jacksonville and Tampa Bay – the event consists of a Top Chef Contest, Top Latino Lideres awards, Live music and entertainment. |
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Victor Padilla aka The VIPA 2020 – Present Co-Founder and Reporter: In Truth News;; In Truth News LIVE; The Truth Conference and Conservative In America. In Truth News: Where the Truth Is In The News. About IN Truth LIVE is the LIVE version of our Christian and Conservative website: In Truth News was born of "More Truth Ministries; In TRUTH News is about the freedom to know the Truth about everything that constitutes the freedoms and rights of We the People to understand what is happening around us in our Country and in this World. Not just a ministry, but more. 2012 – Present Vice President/Partner of Award-Winning Publication of Bilingual News: Latin Times Media, Inc. Latin Times Magazine,, e-Latino Weekly Newsletter and all associated social media platforms. Host of:
A Tampa Native, Victor Padilla attended High School at Tampa Bay Technical High School, and attended Hillsborough Community College, going on to later attend Gulf Coast Community College and majoring in Business Administration.
Victor is of Puerto Rican/ Sephardic Jewish descent, the son of Victor and Ana Padilla who were community Leaders in the Tampa Bay Area. Victor worked for the MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry) During the early 80’s in Tampa, in the Communications Video and Audio engineering division with Abdiel Ortiz. Years later worked in the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical business for over 25 years and taught Pharmacology and Spanish for Healthcare workers. Victor is the Vice President/Partner of Latin Times Media and Magazine, he is also editor/publisher, and writer with wife Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla, work and publish their Bilingual Magazine “Latin Times”. Victor works closely with entertainers, celebrities, actors, actresses, and nationally, and internationally. Co-Founder of Latin Times “EL CAFÉ” Show In 2012, Mr. and Mrs. Padilla produced the first Cuban Sandwich Festival in Ybor City, the event was an immediate success, and just celebrated its 12th Annual event -held even during Covid19. The event is currently hosted in Central Florida, SW Florida as well as Jacksonville area -with the main event held in Ybor City. People from all over the world attend the Ybor City festival. Victor and Jolie are the sole creators and Founders of The International Cuban Sandwich Festival and Taste of Latino Festivals. Victor and Jolie received the “Cultural Assets Award” in 2012 by Tampa City Council and Mayor Bob Buckhorn. Victor with his wife Jolie continue working in creating cultural and community events for the Tampa Bay Area and Statewide. |
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